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Locksmith Amsterdam

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Home » Locksmith Amsterdam

Your reliable locksmith in Amsterdam and surroundings

  • 24/7 bereikbaar
  • Binnen 20 minuten ter plaatse
  • Pinbetaling mogelijk
  • Heldere, vaste tarieven
  • 5 jaar lang garantie op sloten
  • Gratis inbraakpreventie advies
  • Uitstekende spoedservice
  • Meer dan 20 jaar ervaring
  • Prijsopgave vooraf
  • Erkende slotenmaker met Politiekeurmerk

From opening the lock on your front door to replacing the hinges and locks of a complete business premises: the experienced and professional locksmiths of Slotenmaker Expert are available 24/7. Do you need a locksmith urgently? We are always at your doorstep within 20 minutes.

SKG keurmerk Slotenmaker Expert
Slotenmaker Expert - Politie keurmerk veilig wonen
Erkend Leerbedrijf Slotenmaker Expert
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A sample of our satisfied customers
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Medewerker van Slotenmaker Expert in bedrijfskleding

Rick aan het woord

Slotenmaker Expert is gespecialiseerd in het openen en repareren van sloten en sleutels. We zijn actief in heel Nederland en komen allerlei verschillende situaties tegen: mensen die zichzelf hebben buitengesloten, hun sleutels zijn kwijtgeraakt of van wie de sleutels gestolen zijn. Dit kan iedereen overkomen! Dankzij onze 24/7 service kunnen we mensen in nood altijd snel helpen.

Rick | Slotenmaker

Medewerker van Slotenmaker Expert in zwarte trui met bedrijfslogo

Gino aan het woord

Veel mensen denken bij een slotenmaker meteen aan het openen van sloten wanneer iemand zichzelf heeft buitengesloten. Dat is inderdaad een van onze taken, maar we doen nog veel meer! Zo geven we advies over inbraakbeveiliging, onderhouden we sloten en worden we zelfs regelmatig om hulp gevraagd door de politie. Het is ontzettend afwisselend en leuk werk.

Gino | Slotenmaker

Medewerker van Slotenmaker Expert in zwart poloshirt met bedrijfslogo

Martin aan het woord

Geen misverstanden over de kosten: Slotenmaker Expert bespreekt van tevoren áltijd de definitieve prijs met u. Zo bent u verzekerd van een betrouwbare en erkende slotenmaker en voorkomen we onaangename verrassingen achteraf. Met deze eerlijke prijsafspraken gaan we de malafide slotenmakers te lijf die na de klus hoge kosten in rekening brengen bij mensen in nood.

Martin | Slotenmaker

More advantages of Slotenmaker Epxert

Buitengesloten in Amsterdam?

From opening the lock on your front door to replacing the hinges and locks of a complete business premises: the experienced and professional locksmiths of Slotenmaker Expert are available 24/7. Do you need a locksmith urgently? We are always at your doorstep within 20 minutes.

De slotenmaker opent uw deur schadevrij

It can happen to anyone: you have lost your keys and can no longer enter your house. By contacting Slotenmaker Expert in Amsterdam, you can be assured that a certified locksmith will be present within 20 minutes. Also at night or on weekends. Locksmith services you can contact us for are:

  • Replacing hinges and locks
  • Opening locks
  • Burglary prevention advice
  • Installing an emergency closure

The certified locksmiths of Slotenmaker Expert in Amsterdam work at competitive rates. And is the job done? Then you can choose how you prefer to pay. Our locksmiths always have a PIN machine with them, but you can also pay with cash.

If you urgently need a locksmith in Amsterdam, our experienced locksmiths are always on site within 20 minutes.

020 244 0293 020 244 0293
Medewerker van Slotenmaker Expert in zwart poloshirt met bedrijfslogo

Certified locksmith

All locksmiths from Slotenmaker Expert in Amsterdam have a locksmith diploma and the correct certificates. They are experts in repairing damage caused by burglary, opening doors and replacing or repairing locks.

Medewerker van Slotenmaker Expert in zwart poloshirt met bedrijfslogo

Affordable rates for locksmith services

The locksmiths at Slotenmaker Expert work for very competitive rates. If you use our services, you will never pay too much for repairing burglary damage or installing locks.

Medewerker van Slotenmaker Expert in zwart poloshirt met bedrijfslogo

Available 24/7 for emergency lock service

Even if you need a locksmith in the middle of the night, we will be on your doorstep within 20 minutes. Our locksmiths are available 24/7.

Have burglar-resistant locks installed by the locksmith in Amsterdam

You should feel safe in your home. Slotenmaker Expert therefore always advises to install locks that are maximally resistant to burglary attempts; Every lock we install has an SKG quality mark and the Police Quality Mark for Safe Living. In our range of anti-burglary locks you will find very secure locks with:

  • Cylinders with 3 star SKG quality mark.
  • Multi-point locks with 3 star SKG quality mark.
  • Security fittings with core pull protection.
020 244 0293 020 244 0293

Am I insured if a locksmith needs to come by?

Oranje icoon van en certificaat, bedoeld als visuele toevoeging voor een deurwaarder

A locksmith has installed new locks. Will this be reimbursed?

Whether you will receive reimbursement for the costs incurred from your insurer depends on the insurance you have taken out. We would like to explain what options are available with a number of examples. If you are unsure whether you will receive compensation, we recommend that you contact your insurance company.

Oranje icoon van en certificaat, bedoeld als visuele toevoeging voor een deurwaarder

You have lost your keys

Do you suspect your keys have been stolen? Please report this to the police as soon as possible. Then report the theft to your insurer and have the locks on your home replaced. In many cases, insurance covers the costs. However, most insurers do have a number of conditions that you must meet. A common requirement is that you have the locks replaced within a day.

Oranje icoon van en certificaat, bedoeld als visuele toevoeging voor een deurwaarder

The key fell into the water

Our locksmiths regularly open doors because someone has lost their keys. In most cases you will not be reimbursed for the locksmith’s costs. Don’t remember where your keys are? By replacing the locks on your home, you reduce the risk of burglaries.

Oranje icoon van en certificaat, bedoeld als visuele toevoeging voor een deurwaarder

Locks damaged by burglary

If you have been burglarized, it is important to report this to the police and your insurer as soon as possible. Sometimes the police come to your home in Amsterdam to investigate. Once this is completed, we recommend that you contact a locksmith to repair or replace the damaged locks. Keep the proof of declaration and the locksmith’s invoice in a safe place. You will need these documents to receive compensation from your insurer. If there is a burglary, you will receive compensation from your insurer in almost all cases.

Emergency service in Amsterdam

‘Our locksmiths in Amsterdam are available 24/7.’

If you’re locked out, opening the door usually can’t wait until the next day. That is why our locksmiths are available 24/7. Let us know where we need to be and we will be at your door within 20 minutes.

  • Have your locks replaced immediately
  • Quick repair of burglary damage
  • Quick repair of burglary damage
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Reenter your home quickly

“We open doors and locks quickly and professionally.”

“We open doors and locks quickly and professionally.” This ensures that no damage occurs when the door is broken open.

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Replacing locks

“We only install locks with a recognized police quality mark.”

If a key has not turned properly in the lock for a while or there are many rust spots on the lock, you should have it replaced as soon as possible. By having the locksmiths of Slotenmaker Expert install locks with SKG-approved cylinders, you make it much more difficult for burglars to break in.

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We make the home safe immediately

“Our locksmiths always install an emergency lock if necessary.”

If it is not possible to immediately install new locks, our locksmiths always ensure that your home is safe again. They do this by installing an emergency closure.

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Burglary prevention in Amsterdam

“Our locksmiths know exactly what it takes to make your home as safe as possible.”

Good locks make the chance of a burglary much smaller. The locksmith from Slotenmaker Expert in Amsterdam therefore always advises you to install locks with the SKG quality mark and the Police Quality Mark Safe Living.

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Snel inbraakschade herstellen

“We will ensure that you feel safe again as soon as possible.”

If you house has been broken into, it gives you a very unsafe feeling. By replacing your locks with anti-burglary locks as quickly as possible, you can be sure that you will make it as difficult as possible for burglars in the future. When you contact us, our professional locksmiths will always be on site within 20 minutes to install new locks and repair the damage as quickly as possible.

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Secure your home against burglary in Amsterdam and give unwanted guests no opportunity

Oranje icoon van en certificaat, bedoeld als visuele toevoeging voor een deurwaarder

The services of Locksmith Expert in Amsterdam

Opening, repairing and replacing locks on doors and windows is our specialty. Our professional locksmiths are available 24/7, so you can call us day or night when you are standing in front of a closed door.

Slotenmaker expert in cijfers

uur per dag bereikbaar
minuten service
tevreden klanten

Veelgestelde vragen aan onze slotenmaker in Amsterdam

Bekijk hiernaast de meestgestelde vragen aan onze slotenmaker in Amsterdam. Omdat we vaak dezelfde vragen krijgen hebben we de meest voorkomende vragen hiernaast op een rijtje gezet. Staat uw vraag er niet tussen? Neem dan contact met ons op.

020 244 0293 020 244 0293
  1. If I straighten a bent key, can I continue to use it?

    We do not recommend straightening keys yourself. A weak spot may arise, causing the key to suddenly break off in the lock. It is therefore best to throw away a bent key.

  2. How should I maintain my locks?

    This depends entirely on the type of lock. While with one lock occasional cleaning with a wet cloth is sufficient, with another lock you will need to use a special cleaning agent. Our locksmiths are happy to advise you on the best cleaning method.

  3. Will there be damage if my door is broken open?

    Yes, unfortunately it is not actually possible to open a door without damage if the lock is not open. Of course we ensure that damage is minimal.

  4. Can I choose a new lock myself?

    Of course! Which lock you choose depends entirely on your wishes and budget. Before our locksmith installs a lock, he always discusses which lock you want.

  5. What does the Politiekeurmerk Veilig Wonen mean?

    This quality mark immediately makes it clear to potential burglars that the home is well secured. This will make burglars stop their burglary attempt more quickly.

Working area of our locksmiths in Amsterdam

Our locksmiths work throughout the city:

  • Geuzenveld-Slotermeer-Sloterdijk
  • Osdorp
  • De Aker, Sloten en Nieuw Sloten
  • Sloterdijk
  • De Baarsjes
  • Bos en Lommer
  • Oud-West
  • Westerpark
  • Buitenveldert en Zuidas
  • De Pijp
  • Oud-Zuid
  • Rivierenbuurt
  • Centrum Oost
  • Centrum West
  • IJburg en Zeeburgereiland
  • Indische buurt
  • Oostelijk Havengebied
  • Oud-Oost
  • Watergraafsmeer
  • Amstel III en ArenAPoort
  • Gaasperdam en Driemond
  • EGK-buurt
  • Venserpolder en FD-buurt
  • Banne Buiksloot
  • Buiksloterdijk/Niewendammerdijk
  • Buikslotermeer
  • Elzenhagen
  • Kadoelen
  • Noordelijke IJ-oever
  • Oostzanerwerf
  • Tuindorp Buiksloot
  • Tuindorp Nieuwendam
  • Tuindorp Oostzaan
  • Volewijck
  • Waterland
  • Waterlandpleinbuurt
  • Sloterdijkgebied
  • Havengebied
  • Geuzenveld-Slotermeer-Sloterdijk
  • Westerpark
  • Vogeltjeswei en Amsterdamse Poort
Ferry from Amsterdam Buitenveldert

“Professional, fast and for a good price. Thank you Locksmith Expert!”

Iris from Amsterdam Westerpark

“When I came home after a long day at work, the key broke off in the lock. To compress! Fortunately, the locksmiths from Slotenmaker Expert were quickly on site and replaced the locks properly.”

Amal from Amsterdam Noord

“When I returned from holiday, my keys were still at the hotel in Spain. So I didn’t get it back straight away! I finally called the locksmiths from Locksmith Expert so they could open my door. They did this very quickly!”


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